Glen Titmus
Fiddle Player and Dance Caller
Welcome to the Glen Titmus home page. Here you can find out about me as a fiddle player and dance caller, see what I may have to offer you, and see what gigs I'm doing.
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Glen Titmus - Fiddle Player.
I got interested in folk music in the early 1970s, inspired by a friend who was a recent convert.
I started playing for dancing in about 1981, and, finding the whistle and mandolin less than
satisfying, I dug out my father's old fiddle and taught myself to play. I've been playing fiddle
ever since. I've played for the University of Essex Morris, Fenstanton Morris, Taunton Deane
Morris Men, Ruishton Village Morris (now Withy Morris), Heartsease, Hotfoot Appalachian Dancers,
Sidmouth Steppers and Sweet Coppin. The bands I've been in include Parson's Nose, Blind Panic,
Foot and Fiddle, Syntax, Romany, Tangled Jade, the West Country Dance Orchestra and All Steamed Up. As you can see,
I've had a fair bit of experience! After 20 years in the West Country I moved to Staffordshire in 2007, and in 2021 I moved back to the West Country. I'm now based in Paignton, Devon. I currently play in Skimmity , a 4 piece ceilidh band based in north Staffordshire, and Jack's Ramble, a duo available for concerts, ceilidhs, Playford and Regency dances.
As to what I play, I've turned my hand to a variety of different styles but I consider myself to be basically an English Fiddle player. I've been in love with English dance music for more than 30 years, and although I've worked hard at Irish, Shetland and Old-Timey music at different times, I keep coming back to the English. So much so that I'm starting to teach and research traditional southern English fiddle playing.
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Glen Titmus - Teacher
I give individual fiddle lessons in folk styles, teaching basic technique and the elements that go to make up the various Irish, Scottish, English and Old-Timey styles. People can select which bits they want to learn once they have got the basics. I specialise in adult beginners and in teaching fiddle style to classically trained violinists, but I also teach basic classical violin technique for beginners which can then be applied to any type of music. As I live in Paignton, Devon, regular lessons are only available within reasonable travelling distance, but I'm also happy to give one-off lessons at festivals I'm attending during the summer, provided that they are arranged in advance.
I also do workshops for festivals, schools and any other group that wants some help. I have standard workshops for Southern English Fiddle and Playing For Dancing, but I can put together a workshop or workshops to meet your specific requirements. This is particularly aimed at schools, where the workshops can be tailored to fit in with other projects. If you are looking for something and think that I might be able to help, get in touch with me and we can talk it through. I'm quite happy to work with any size of group, and for some workshops (such as playing for dancing) I am happy to work with a mix of instruments and abilities. I'm available to work anywhere in the country and all year round, but obviously the cost will reflect the expenses incurred in travelling from Paignton.
To find out more or to book me email me.
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Glen Titmus - Dance Caller
I've been calling dances for more than 25 years with a variety of bands, originally in the Taunton area, Staffordshire and now in Devon. I specialise in simple English dances, suitable for weddings, parties, PTA dances, etc. I've also got a good selection of dances for more experienced dancers, and I would love to use these more often! I was a regular dancer on the 'eceilidh' scene until a few years ago. I like dances that involve stepping and that is the sort of dance that I call. Because of the dances I do, I prefer to work with lively, exciting bands. If you want to see me in action, refer to the gig list.
My charge for an evening is negotiable, depending on the gig, but is basically £100 within 25 miles of Paignton, plus expenses outside that radius. I will work anywhere in the country if people are prepared to pay enough!
I DON'T DO: Irish, Scottish or American Square dances, or any dance where the majority of the potential dancers are less than 10 years old (childrens parties, etc. I'm just not good with large numbers of children).
To book find out more or to me email me.
If I'm not available, or not quite what you're looking for, I can recommend Sylvia Fisher in Staffordshire and
Sarah Clough in Devon but also anywhere in the country.
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Forthcoming Gigs
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